In the morning the father knocking at the door of his son and cries, "Come on, you have to get up now!"

by Rudolf Faix Friday, October 30, 2015 7:00 AM

In the morning the father knocking at the door of his son and cries, "Come on, you have to get up now!"

"But I do not want to!" says the son and pulls the blanket over his head.

When his father reminds him again: "You've go to school!"

Says the son: "I'll give you three good reasons why I do not want. First I have no desire, second I do not like the school and third nobody likes me at school."

The father responds to his son: "And I can tell you three good reasons why you have to go to school first, it is your duty, second. you are 45 years old and third you are the teacher!"



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