In the morning the father knocking at the door of his son and cries, "Come on, you have to get up now!"

by Rudolf Faix Friday, October 30, 2015 7:00 AM

In the morning the father knocking at the door of his son and cries, "Come on, you have to get up now!"

"But I do not want to!" says the son and pulls the blanket over his head.

When his father reminds him again: "You've go to school!"

Says the son: "I'll give you three good reasons why I do not want. First I have no desire, second I do not like the school and third nobody likes me at school."

The father responds to his son: "And I can tell you three good reasons why you have to go to school first, it is your duty, second. you are 45 years old and third you are the teacher!"



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School / University

The teacher to Peterchen: "Peter, which one of you stole from my apple tree apples yesterday?"

by Rudolf Faix Monday, October 26, 2015 1:28 AM

The teacher to Peterchen: "Peter, which one of you stole from my apple tree apples yesterday?"

Peter: "Teacher, I can not understand anything in the last row here."

"We want to see it," the teacher says. "Come immediately to the front and sit down at my place. And then you ask me a question."

They change places.

Since Peter asks: "Teacher, who has slept with my sister yesterday?"

Replies the teacher: "Peter, you're right here behind you really does not understand ..."


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School / University

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