by Rudolf Faix
Monday, November 2, 2015 1:00 AM
A Scotsman comes from the pub, completely drunk. On the way home, he falls into the ditch and falls immediately asleep.
The next morning, two tourists come by and want to solve the mystery of the kilts. They like what they get to see and therefore they fix a pink bow tie on it.
As the Scotsman arrives then finally back and undresses his wife gets indignant at the sight of the bow tie. "DARLING, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" cries his wife.
He looks down on itself and says "I don't know, but I think I won first price."
Tags: Scot, Pub, Drunk, Kilt
by Rudolf Faix
Sunday, November 1, 2015 11:00 PM
Soccer match in a Scottish village. For the site selection, the referee throws a coin into the air.
The result: 2000 injured...
by Rudolf Faix
Sunday, November 1, 2015 9:00 PM
In the express train, the conductor catches a Scotsman without a ticket.
After a heated exchange of words, the officials loses his patience, pack the suit case of the traveler and roars: "If you are not pay immediately, I'll throw your suitcase out from the train window!"
The Scotsman screams and is tearing his hairs: "First you want to make me poor and now you like to kill my only son?"
by Rudolf Faix
Friday, October 30, 2015 11:00 AM
A Scot comes with a vial to the doctor to get it examined.
A week later, he learns the result: "All right," says the doctor, "you are healthy perfectly."
Cheerful the Scot goes home and calls his wife: "Sharon, neither you, nor I, neither the children nor Uncle Mac have any disease!"
Tags: Scot, Doctor